New from Washington state


5 Years
Apr 12, 2014
NE Washington state
Hello everyone. I have just recently started raising poultry and waterfowl. It all started back at Christmas when a friend of ours gave us 5 ducks.

Then we ended up liking them so much we bought 12 buff orpingtons about a week ago and picked up 3 BB bronze turkey's last night.

And the ducks are sitting in 28 eggs so hopefully we will have duckies in 10ish more days.
Hello everyone. I have just recently started raising poultry and waterfowl. It all started back at Christmas when a friend of ours gave us 5 ducks.

Then we ended up liking them so much we bought 12 buff orpingtons about a week ago and picked up 3 BB bronze turkey's last night.

And the ducks are sitting in 28 eggs so hopefully we will have duckies in 10ish more days.

WOW!, Looks like you jumped in with both feet! Welcome to BYC. You will find a wealth of information here. Lots of friendly folks.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on all your new birds! You will love the Orps. They are very docile, friendly and great layers as well.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock and enjoy yours as well!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you have one nice assortment of birds! Good luck with the duck hatch!
sounds like you could open a restaurant. I'm hungry this morning and all I can think of is duck orange , chicken marsala and Turkey for Thanksgiving. Just thoughts, I'm am only a Hamburger Helper chef.

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