New Gamefowl Project.

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Preserving Gamefowl, 1 Variety At a Time🇮🇳🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
May 31, 2018
Tawas City, Michigan
Hello, I'm planning to breed my own Gamefowl breed some day.

Thinking about removing the enhanced fighting instinct for this breed.

This is a reboot of my last thread.

My other thread on making a new Gamefowl breed, with the idea of keeping the enhanced fighting instinct got taken out of context. [Let's Please Not Do This Again?]

It'll still technically be considered a Gamefowl if it has the body structure, & feathering of that particular breed. Old English Game Bantams, & Modern Games are a couple of examples of this.

Gonna include two varieties, Muffed, & None Muffed.

Birds I have available for this project include:

Red JungleFowl hybrids, or CrackerFowl.

Marans/Gamefowl cross


Easter Egger that appears to be half Gamefowl

Brahma/Silkie Mix who acts like a Gamefowl.(Treating him for an eye injury, he's always fighting with the Easter Egger mentioned above)

Black Sumatras.

What birds I'm gonna use for this project? Not quite sure yet.
:pop Gotta admit, I'm very interested in all the breeding threads here on BYC. So I'll be following this one too.
Sounds good.

I'm still brainstorming this one. Trying to figure out what I want to use, & what order I want to breed them.

I have a Sumatra pullet, but haven't gotten updated pictures of her yet, so I just included the cockerel instead of both birds.
True. So you will have made A Really Good Chicken.

Complete newb questions. Which traits do you start with? And which are the most important to you? Some of the traits you listed will take a while to be apparent, so I gather this a long term project.
3, of the birds that exhibit these traits I listed, are Red JungleFowl hybrids, Black Sumatras, & Malays.

Malays, are Flock Defenders, & great foragers, good table birds.(Muscular, Lean, & heavy weights)

Red JungleFowl hybrids, are great fliers, great foragers, & excellent broodies, good table birds.(Well Rounded, Full Breasts, Light Weights)

Black Sumatras are great Fliers, & Great Foragers, great broodies, good table birds.(Active, Muscular, slim, & are light Weights)

I may use the EE for the beard though. They're also decent table birds.
The breeds I have are also very cold, & heat hardy.

I know Malays are poor layers from all the research I've done, but egg Production hadn't been an interest of mine.

Red JungleFowl hybrids are Decent Layers, get an egg almost every day from them.

Sumatras, aren't that great at laying, I get about 1 egg every few days from my pullet.

Easter Eggers, I get almost an egg a day, with about maybe 1-2 days break in between.
This is a bit off topic, but a curious question.

If you mix different colored Ameraucanas together, would they still be considered Ameraucanas, or Easter Eggers?
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