New guy, who caught on to why.


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2016
Kealakekua, Hawaii
I moved from Alaska to Hawaii 3 years ago. I found and rent a 120 ft x 50 ft quanset hut in a small private macadamia nut field , wild chickens are everywhere. The hut had 2 lofts, 2 bathrooms, and 1/2 a kitchen. Bare bones when I moved in.
Wild chicken roamed and I wanted them around for bug control, why not, they worked for scratch.
Slowly I put the place together, always feeding the rangers. I got to love the rooster alarm and the distanct return calls. No tv, I alway need some project to do when the sunsets. Yep, raise chickens on a low budget.
Well I knew nothing about chickens, they eat bugs and lay eggs. Simple, thinks I . I'll trap the free Rangers and make a coop. That was 3 years ago.
Since then, I learned a lot about free Rangers and released them all. They are still around at mornings and evenings.
At the feed store I bought some Rhode Island red chicks,3 weeks old. They are 6 months?old
As I was buying feed today for them , I fell for 4, 3 week old Bantams. Great! I've got miniatures!
I get more quality entertainment out of them than any tv.
Sure it's been a learning and cleaning experience. I've 20foot bay doors and cement floor. Those feathery friends think they can just come in and inspect my space. And then leave a mess.
I hung removable 6 foot x14foot black bug mesh across the bay doors. Now they use it a backboard for flying insects. I call it ( while relaxing on the couch) Chicken television.
I've many stories about my feathery pals teaching me how to take care of them. I'm just glad I've found this site! Now I can find out if they've been pulling my leg about something.
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. Thanks for the introduction - makes for a good read. It seems like your flock is growing nicely - not immune to chicken maths (same as the rest of us). Whilst you have gained lots of experience in keeping chickens -the learning centre may still hold a few nuggets of info that may help you. If you wish, you can also check out your state thread and meet up with local BYCers.

All the best
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! What a fantastic introduction :D I have really enjoyed reading all about your chicken adventures and at how much enjoyment they give to you. Congrats on your new bantams :clap I have bantam polish and they are lovely sweet little birds.

Wishing you the very best of luck for the future. Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Aloha, and welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. My family and I lived in Hawaii for 23 years before moving to Montana and my son-in-law and granddaughter were both born in Hawaii. The islands have loads of feral game chickens running around on them and they are very hardy, but poor layers. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck w' da flock.

Thank you for such an interesting introduction! We watch a lot of chicken tv here too, it's fun seeing what they can get up to.

Make yourself at home here, it's nice to have you join us!
Wow! Y'all make me feel at home! In my world it's 1 thing fixed while 2 pop up.
I'm not a person who is adept at Internet stuff otherwise I'd send pictures. You just have to wait a bit.
The only reason I'm on right now is the littlest of the 4 Bantoms I got 3 night ago has kept a large crop. I'll see no innocent child suffer , one problem could be I've spoiled them with too much food. But the other 3 have normal crop, so the runt of the 4 chicks (3 weeks old) is still energetic, competitive, but just not on top of the world, a little less from yesterday.
Because they are a flock of 4 I have to deprive the other 3 of food to monitor the one.
Vinager is in their water but not the organic kind. I'll go the distance if she's not better tomorrow. It sucks when the others look at you like... Where's the food dude?
Time will tell.

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC. A bit late, but still welcoming you. :)
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I moved from Alaska to Hawaii 3 years ago. I found and rent a 120 ft x 50 ft quanset hut in a small private macadamia nut field , wild chickens are everywhere. The hut had 2 lofts, 2 bathrooms, and 1/2 a kitchen. Bare bones when I moved in.
Wild chicken roamed and I wanted them around for bug control, why not, they worked for scratch.
Slowly I put the place together, always feeding the rangers. I got to love the rooster alarm and the distanct return calls. No tv, I alway need some project to do when the sunsets. Yep, raise chickens on a low budget.
Well I knew nothing about chickens, they eat bugs and lay eggs. Simple, thinks I . I'll trap the free Rangers and make a coop. That was 3 years ago.
Since then, I learned a lot about free Rangers and released them all. They are still around at mornings and evenings.
At the feed store I bought some Rhode Island red chicks,3 weeks old. They are 6 months?old
As I was buying feed today for them , I fell for 4, 3 week old Bantams. Great! I've got miniatures!
I get more quality entertainment out of them than any tv.
Sure it's been a learning and cleaning experience. I've 20foot bay doors and cement floor. Those feathery friends think they can just come in and inspect my space. And then leave a mess.
I hung removable 6 foot x14foot black bug mesh across the bay doors. Now they use it a backboard for flying insects. I call it ( while relaxing on the couch) Chicken television.
I've many stories about my feathery pals teaching me how to take care of them. I'm just glad I've found this site! Now I can find out if they've been pulling my leg about something.

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