New here and have a mixed flock introduction question


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2020
Hello! I have 3 9-week old Brahmas that are out in their run and coop (third night now) and I have 2 4-week old polish hens. I’ve read and heard about introductions and wanted to ask some of you guys. So I hear putting the polish in the coop at night is the best bet, do I wait until it’s pitch dark and then stick them in? Even though the little ones might be a little freaked out being in a new spot at night in the dark? Also I tried introducing a Brahma to the polish during the day and it didn’t go well, she wanted to rip out the polish feathers. I’ve been putting the polish in the tub and letting the Brahmas free range a bit so they could see each other through the hardware cloth but I just don’t know if it’s enough. There doesn’t seem to be a super established pecking order yet so I was thinking the sooner the better but there is a substantial size difference. Thank you for any and all advice.


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Is there any way to have both groups share the same run but be separated? I have a small pen in my chicken run where I put newcomers. After about a week or so both groups are ignoring each other. Usually at that point they can range together safely. Eventually the younger ones follow the older ones into the big coop all in their own. It takes a little longer this way but I never have any fighting.
It always takes a while for family groups to accept each other, and having your younger birds out there, in a fenced off area, as soon as possible, will help ease this transition.
Polish birds, with their smaller size and funky topknots, can be picked on by those older and larger birds, even more than a typical introduction.
Plenty of feeders and waterers, in separate locations, places to be out of sight of each other, and time, and things should all work out.
Chicken society can be pretty rough!
Thank you for the replies. We have a small dog crate we were thinking putting in there, do we take them in at night to sleep back in their brooder ? We live in a high predation area and believe we have a secure run/coop but we are still nervous chicken parents.
I like introducing them young. My brooder is in the coop so they grow up with the flock. That makes integration a lot easier. But that is not an option for you at this point.

Those two are four weeks old. I don't know where you are so don't know your weather but at that age they should be OK staying outside without any supplemental heat. If that dog crate will fit inside your coop, just move them out there and leave them. Let them get to know each other. Retire your brooder.

If it won't fit inside the coop can you section off a part of that coop where you can just leave them for a few weeks? There are only two of them and they should be bantams. It doesn't have to be a huge area. Or can you fix a predator-proof shelter (rain proof) in the run where you can just leave them and they can see each other? Let them get to know each other.

Then do what Mary said, separate feeders and waterers, places to hide, all that. After they have been across wire from each other for a week or two, let them mingle when you can watch. Take your cue form what you see.

This actually sounds like a great place for the safe haven/panic room concept since the older are the big Brahma and these are bantams. When you are ready to try letting them mingle fix it so the young can go from their shelter to the other area but the bigs cannot get to their safe haven. I like the idea of replacing some to their shelter area wire mesh with 2" x 4" welded wire, those bantams can just run through. You can cut holes, or if you use a door that you can raise just leave a crack underneath where those bantams can get through. Lots of ways to do it. If the bigs start to pick on the bantams they run to safety.

I don't know what your coop or run look like or your weather so it's hard to get too specific but be patient and it should work out. Good luck!
Thank you for the replies. I think we will try to dog crate until the big one go into their coop at night and bring the polish in and back out in the morning. That seems like the best option for us at this point. Appreciate all of the feedback

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