New Here from south Arkansas

Hey I started with 6 chicks from Tractor Supply and I'm down to 4. One came to me sick and then a crow took the head off of a poor baby. We live in a small town! We have about an acre at most. They are about 7 weeks old and I was of course told that they were ALL chicks, no roosters. WE'll see. I have a suspicion on is a rooster which is a problem. Our silly little town having chickens isn't allowed so I need to keep them on the down low so a rooster would blow our cover
Thanks for the suggestions and help. I have had chickens before but never had a bit of trouble with crows! Fox, now that is different. We lived on a small farm then and the foxes were trouble all the time. Now it's just keeping the neighbors happy or clueless
Sorry, I don't know where to look to find personal messages, still trying to navigate around

Go clear up to the top right of the page and you will see My Profile (in brown box), click on that and you will see (in the top right corner) My Personal Messages, then click on that to read. It also shows your subscriptions, ovations, etc. When you first join BYC you are given 10 ovations (which is what is required to keep you in good standing). Ovations are meant for good advise someone gave, etc., and if you give too many ovations for no good reason, they (BYC) can lower your ovations below 10, which puts you not in good standing, and can limit your ability to give ovations, etc.

In the blank space at the left top (by the search button) you can type in ovations (or anything else you want to search) and it will show threads to what you are looking for.

I just wanted you to know, but I think most of us didn't realize the guidelines for giving ovations when we first joined so I do think they cut us all some slack, so don't worry ... just don't give ovations just because someone replied to you. Hope this helps.
Hello I am from Russellville, Ar. I built a coop and bought a Road Island White, a Bantam, two Buff Orpington's, a few Pullets. I really want to get a couple of Silkies but I do not know where to get them. My chicks are just now getting there tail feathers except one.

When I was a little girl my grandfather told me that roosters tail feathers came in later than the hens. I hope that means I will have five hens and one Roo.:)

My coop has six nesting boxes and a large run. I put a solar security light on the back to scare away critters.
Looks like some pretty good advice going your way
already Yankee.

So I'll just say welcome to the game, and maybe take a
bit of time to figure out exactly what you're looking for in
your chickens. Figuring out just what you want is half the

Go on and get you a nice coop ready. Nice and big, on
account of chicken-math.

Spook...who LIKES to hear a rooster crow. If my rooster
doesn't crow by breakfast, I run out and pull his feathers,
wake him up.
Welcome to Backyard chickens, glad that you joined us
. The easiest way to find things is to use the search box. For instance put in "Arkansas " in the search box and your state thread will pop up. You can post there also and may find other chickeners living near you.

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