New Here


Apr 12, 2016
Hello to all. I'm a "southernyankee" in foreign I have a friend of mine that has chickens, she's kind enough to give me eggs once in a while, but I'd like to have some of my own, so I'm working on it. I have looked at all the breeds and will probably just get a few, like 4 or 5. Will probably get docile ones cause I know me, they'll wind up pets. I was looking at the Barred Rock chickens, Jersey Giants, Rhode Island Reds and the Wyandottes. Maybe some of you out there can tell me some experiences you have had with the breeds. I remember a story my mother told me when I was a kid. Her grandmother had a Rhode Island Red Rooster that was her favorite and a pet, but when the grandmother wasn't around it used to chase my mother around the yard and she'd holler for her Maybe that was just cause he wasn't familiar with her, don't know. I'm excited to learn about the different breeds. It's not a thing with me, I like white eggs too, but think the brown eggs are pretty. Hope to hear from someone soon. Bye for now.
I'm glad I joined too. I'm hoping to learn a lot. I haven't started yet, but working on it. Look forward to hearing from you again. Tell me some about your chickens, if they're docile, buying locally or online, which is best. I have a friend bought locally, about 25 chicks, most of them turned out to be roosters. I don't want that, I don't even know if I want a rooster or not, I'm not planning on raising chickens, so need help in that area.

The Yankee
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad to have you onboard with us. Sorry, i can't help with breeds, but the breed section may help.

The Learning Centre is a great resource, even for experienced poultry keepers - loads of info on anything poultry.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - just type the name of your state in the search box.

All the best
You may like reading some of the Breed reviews on BYC. Also there is a section for "Pictures and stories of my chickens." very popular forum.

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