New here


Feb 24, 2017
Good morning!
I'm new to all this and I'm wondering why you need to use the red bulbs instead of white. I understand it helps prevent cannibalism and pecking but would it really be so bad to use a white bulb? I'm picking up chicks today. We are only going to have 2-3 chicks. When we picked up supplies the store we went to didn't have any red bulbs so I just got white ones....

There are a number of posts about red lights vs. white lights. Here are links to just a few of them I found doing a quick search:
Red vs. white light bulbs - An observation
An Amazing Thing - white light vs. red light
Red vs White light
Red Light vs. White Light For Chicks?

If you read up on the topic, you'll be better able to decide what's best. The Search feature is a really helpful feature here on BYC!

Best of luck to you with your new chicks!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! I always use red light as I find the red keeps the chicks calm especially at night time. I once had to use a white light when my red blew and they just didn't rest. Not to mention the constant chirping! N F C has left you some great links to check out that I'm sure you will find very helpful.

Good luck with your new chicks and enjoy BYC :frow
G’Day from down under coppertop104

Sorry, I have no experience with bulbs, just hatches under a broody hen. As you have already received some good advice and links to some great starting points, I will just wish you and your flock all the best.

You might want to also pop in and say hello on your local thread: ‘Find your State’s thread.

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun. Unlike non chicken loving friends, family and colleagues, BYC’ers never tire of stories or pictures that feature our feathered and non feathered friends

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