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Tiny Raptors Farm

In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2018
Newbern TN
Hey everyone!! I'd like to introduce myself and hopefully make some new chicken friends! I'm 29 and I'm from Tennessee. Anyone else from TN? I raise orpingtons. barred rock, and silkies. I have 2 dogs, chickens, 2 pot belly piggies, 2 cats, and a turtle. I'm hoping to one day move to an area where we have NO neighbors for miles where I can let all of my animals free range in harmony... and even add some new furry (or feathered) family members! I also specialize in raising tiny humans. I have 3 children of my own and my SO has twin boys. My son and I share a love for dinos (hence the name) and believe that our chickens are just that. Tiny raptors.

I hope everyone is having a great day!

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