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In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2019
Hi im Beth and my husband and I are just starting to think about raising a small flock of chickens ... we have a coop ... still in the box ... lol .... we are thinking about starting out small maybe 4 chickens ...... we live in NH and are wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what kind of chickens we should start with ?? Looking forward to learning lots on this forum!!

Hi, and Welcome! Lots of smart folks here, who will tell you like it is.
My father in law used to tell (and retell, lol) a story about him getting a $10 dog for the kids, and not being allowed to leave until he had purchased about $300 worth of dog items. Moral is, actually getting the chickens is the easy and cheap part. If you want to be successful and of course we all do, take these seasoned chicken people to heart. We love our chickens, and your chickens, too. Make sure you are prepared before you break down and get those fluffy butts home.:yesss:

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