New here!


5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
I'm new to the site and I hope to find lots of info here.

I'm getting 50 chicks next week from Reich hatchery. I ordered 25 of their heavy breed special (straight run) and 25 of the mixed pullet special. It's my first time ordering from a hatchery so hopefully everything goes good!

I'm setting up the brooder this week so I'll be sure to post pics!
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Glad you joined us! Looking forward to your pics.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I've been reading through the site and already gotten some great tips.

I'm making my brooder pen out of wooden pallets lined with cardboard. It's going in our garage so I'm planning to use a tarp under the pine shavings. Some of the pullets are going to family and I'm going to start selling the straight run chicks right away. I'm hoping to sell enough that the remaining ones will have more room as they grow. If not I an add more pallets to expand the sides. Hopefully that will work.
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