New Idea For "SAVE A CHICK"


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I think that it is great that BYC has created a pamphlet for the "Save A Chick"idea, but i wish there was more I could do. I got to thinking about it, and i thought maybe we could have a festival kind of thing. I know that our members are very scattered, but we could figure out where most members live, and hold it there. Other members could help in other ways. At this "festival", we could show what BYC is really about. We could have a chicken auction, pass out the flyers, have speeches, sell eggs, get to know each other, and maybe even get on the news. Not only would this help to educate citizens about how many chickens are treated, but it could be fun for every one to get to know each other. Do you think Im a fruitcake, or do you agree?
I think we are too spread out to do something like that, although smaller groups of BYCers around the country are known to congregate.
yah, but i have noticed that there are places that have more BYC'ers than others. I was thinking we could do it in a central area, and those who lived elsewhere could help in other ways. I dont know, it was just an idea.
I love the idea. A yearly BYC convention--sounds like a great vacation. Maybe vote on the location to maximize the attendance.
I go to an annual convention that every other year is held in the east or the west. The east group votes and the top three choices are the locations for year 1, 3, and 5. The west group votes and the top three choices are the locations for years 2, 4, and 6.
While the organization puts to gether the agendas, the host city members proudly put together packages showing places to stay and eat and things to do and see while there. It runs surprisingly smoothly mostly on volunteer steam.
I would get involved if this were an interest to the group leaders.

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