New in Maryland


It's always exciting to get new chicks! What breed(s) are you getting? Hope you have a coop ready, they grow really fast.

Have you been to the Learning Center yet? There are some very good articles to help you get started and answer all sorts of questions you may have:

Thanks for joining us!
Hi and welcome - exciting times ahead for you! I wish you all the best - you're gonna love it

I've read a lot of information from all over the place.

I have a shed sized barn with a fenced run attached that will be their ultimate coop. For now as the weather is unpredictable here in MD, single digits last saturday almost 60 forecast this saturday! They will be in plywood brooder boxes i have constructed in my garage. They'll have heat lamps and the garage stays pretty consistent temp wise as it's under my house.

I purchased a heavy assorted straight run from Mcmurry. 25 of them and of course took the free mystery chick. I should take delivery today as they are in maryland according to the USPS tracking. I couldn't decide on one breed.

Once they get here I'll update the thread with pictures.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'll look forward to seeing your pics. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
I received my chicks about 1pm today from the post office. They're all home now in their brooder doing chick things. I ended up with 27 total. Must be chicken math I read about.

Pictures later when I get back to a computer.
Everyone made it through the night!

I gave them each a drink of water yesterday before turning them loose in their boxes and some were not pleased about their beaks being dipped others took several drinks. I've seen them all at the waterer and eating the chick starter. They all seem to be energetic and explore about the brooder boxes.

Here are the pictures of my flock. Some were not so cooperative. If I have an idea on the breed I added it. If you have an idea and roo/hen please share.

Here's this list of options from mcmurray: Black Australorps; Lt. Brahmas; Dark Cornish; Black and White Giants; Buff and White Orpingtons; New Hampshire, Rhode Island Reds, Barred, White, Columbian, Partridge, Buff Rocks; Sussex, Turkens; White, Silver Laced, & Columbian Wyandottes, Red Star and Black Star

#1 Black Polish




#5 I have a few of these. Buff Orpingtons?


The other pictures aren't so great or blurry so I won't post. I'll take better ones this weekend hopefully when i'm not trying to do it alone.

First question. Should I mix them from box to box every now and again? They will ultimately all live together outside. I split them 13 in one and 14 in the other just in order I picked them from their shipping box.

**fixed the images**
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