
10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
I am just saying this because my behavior with chickens is so random. I check Craigslist for the "soon to be culled" chickens. I got an ee (advertised Araucana) from someone and now I'm doing it again. My hubby is in Alaska commercial fishing and I just told him we are getting another tomorrow. He laughed and said..."have you been chicken blogging again?" I think the outside world just doesn't get us, but if you look at the total picture.....we are a hilarious group of chicken lovers. What do you think?
Every evening my husband works on his master's on the computer. I sit here at BYC so it is quiet and no TV disturbing him after the kids go to bed. He always asks "How are the Chicken People?"

I also troll craigslist looking for chicken postings, but only out of curiosity. I don't have room for more chickens.

I had a friend interested in chickens as well and gave her 5 chicks. She is addicted now too, but I am glad I have someone around that understands.
Oh thank goodness I'm not alone! I Love those darn chickens! What happened to me. I was a city girl until I married my fishing guide husband. Not by his doing, because he is quite the conservative man, but I've turned in to this veggie eating, chicken loving girl. Don't get me wrong. He is the biggest carnivore on the planet, but he moved me to Eugene, Oregon. Enough said....largest hippie colony on the planet. I'm from a hugely conservative family and this is just all new to me. I'm not a hippy by any means, but I'm suffering from osmosis here. Argh!!!!! Or should I say HELP! Please, hippies, don't take offense. I'm just in foreign territory! AND, I'm open minded!
My in laws live in the Central Valley of California and keep asking me when I am moving there and getting a farm. Everytime they visit, my yard seems more like the country to them. Last time they visited at Christmas I had put hay all over the veggie gardens. They were here this weekend and now my patio is dominated by a chicken coop. They think I am nuts.

I am like a new mother with a baby. I put the chickens to bed at dusk to close the coop. That should be it. No. After my kids go to bed, I check in on them. Then a couple hours later, I go back outside and double check the chickens are okay. Every Night. I am a little crazy.

Fortunately there are enough other folks out here at BYC that are just as crazy as I am.
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emilyweck! eugene is one of favorite cities in the world, I love that bohemian flavor of the are so lucky! I bet you and your chickens fit right in! we are just a lil' south of you in Coos Bay by the way....
What a wonderful adventure for you. You will find out who YOU are!

ddawn...I see your posts on here often and just love all you have to say! Thanks for the encouragement! I'm just so happy to have my little girls!
Really? Yeah, it has a lot of flavor! Any way you look, Eugene is a great place. HOWEVER, it is an acquired taste! Thank you for your positive feedback. All is welcome in my world! BTW....I love Coos Bay and I'm a huge, needless to say I'm a huge Bandon Dunes lover. (Sand pines is another favorite)!
wait, he's up here fishing? fishing for what, herring? salmon doesn't open for another couple of months. cod maybe? sol? is he just doing some work for the skipper before the season? XD if he's here in Dillingham he might see me and my roo at the harbor
i've leash trained one of them and he just loves going to the harbor during fishing season.

my friends think im crazy. i'm constantly incubating eggs. if i end up with too many chicks my friend at the petting zoo buys them from me. she spoils them almost as much as i do
wait, he's up here fishing? fishing for what, herring? salmon doesn't open for another couple of months. cod maybe? sol? is he just doing some work for the skipper before the season? XD if he's here in Dillingham he might see me and my roo at the harbor
i've leash trained one of them and he just loves going to the harbor during fishing season.

my friends think im crazy. i'm constantly incubating eggs. if i end up with too many chicks my friend at the petting zoo buys them from me. she spoils them almost as much as i do

I just love your comments. He is one of the few that does both...commercial and sport. He herring fishes...long lines, name it.

He just spent 2 months up there king crabbing. Just lovely for the wife....right? And he owns a charter boat. He has lived up there for 20 years. He has lived in Sitka fishing, bear guiding, crab fishing......He's one of the few that crosses the line between commercial and sport. How about you? He hasn't seen you post lately, but you were one of the first he saw and was VERY curious about chicken raising up there because we are quite certain we'll end up in Sitka. Thank you so much for your interest!

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