New...? Kinda, sorta... Maybe?


8 Years
Sep 19, 2011
My name is KellyJo.
I've been a member of byc and several other similar sites for years.
11/28/12 I had a rhuenY gastric bypass.
In less than two years I lost 260 pounds.
10/2/2014 I had abdominoplasty/panis removal, partial butt/thigh lifts.
They removed 20 pounds of skin.
The surgery didn't go well, and had to be redone twice and left me with a permanent hole in my abdomen.
I have had several neurological issues since birth including epilepsy that became well controlled by my mid teens that came back.
The same thing that helped me loose the weight makes any meds I take run through too quickly.
In 2017 I faced a massive fear and started seeking surgical remedies. After several procedures spanned over months life has become a lot more hopeful again.
However the brain stimulations came with a cost. The biggest being major memory loss and confusion.
It's getting better too, and hopefully will carry on.
I have raised bird with my mother since I was 11. I started my own thing at about 19, by my late 20s I was breeding exotic birds, marcupials and reptiles as a second income.
I have, with the help of my partner, started again with birds in a much smaller scale.
I assumed my past would make the small leap easy but I find myself second guessing everything.
Things I read or remember don't always translate well so if I sometimes seem to be contrary or confused please let me know.

I love most all animals. As a child that spent a lot of time in the children's ward I found animals to be much kinder than people.

It's nice to be back...
:yesss: :welcome :yesss:
Welcome back to our eggcelent flock here at BYC


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