New layer stopped laying. Normal?

There could be a few things. It could be simply that she is new and her body is still working out the kinks. (this would be my first guess) Or she has a secret nest. Or she has an egg stuck. I would not think the egg is stuck right away. Watch her actions first. Is she eating and drinking well? How does her poop look?
Even sexlinks might take a day off once in while...especially when first starting to lay.
It can take up to a month or so for a new layer to get into a stable pattern.

After 4 days with an egg, then 4 days with no egg, we had 4 straight days with an egg. I guess it was normal, rookie egg layer inconsistency. I expected extra "days off" with a new egg layer, just thought 4 days off in a row was weird. I guess not.
Going through this with my dixie rainbow! She laid her first egg at 19 weeks, and laid solid for 5 days, then stopped for 4. Now she laid one today, but my husband just found bits of of shell in the nesting box :/ so now I'm worried either she stepped on it and just broke it, or that she or one of the other chickens ate it!

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