new layers and old layers


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
Hi there

Have a BUNCH of new girls who should be getting ready to lay soon. All my girls are free range.

We also have 8 good current layers...regular, it!

Anyway, i'm thinking we should be getting new eggs within the next few weeks or so...and have a question:

We have one coop with 7 laying boxes and this is where everyone does their is also the same coop that the "new" girls sleep in (the old girls sleep in the coop that we built for them last year but discovered and preferred to lay in the new coop we purchased when chicken math took over

Will the new layers know where to lay...watching the old layers and where they go and what they do? of the ones that should be thinking about laying soon...only one is showing any interest in the nesting boxes...
When I combine my new layers pretty much follow the older layers like the old gals show them what to do.....I wouldn't worry your new gals will figure it out !!!!

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