New Layers wrong color eggs?


8 Years
Sep 2, 2011
New Hampshire
Is it normal for brown laying chickens to lay white eggs at the start? I'm not sure which chicken is laying white eggs but one is. I double checked on line and they should all lay brown eggs. Doesnt matter to me just took me by surprise that's all. I think i've gotten 4 white eggs in a row and it's got to be same chicken they are kind of oblong, definately different shape than my Red Stars.

I have 2 RedStars,1 Australorp,1 BO and 1 BR.
Look at the earlobes. If they are white, they will lay white eggs. Are you sure of the breeds? Some light brown eggs look pretty white until you put a white egg next to them. JJust a few thoughts
My Buff Orpington has white earlobes, maybe it's her. I guess it could be a very very light brown, I will check next to white paper

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