New layers......


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 17, 2011
Sebastian, FL
My 2 BO's starting laying a few weeks ago and two days in a row I found an egg that was wet, seemed to have some type of watery substance on it, is this normal?
Those are freshly laid eggs! When a chicken lays her eggs there is the wet stuff all over it. Soon it dries. This coating protects the egg for air and microbes. Don't worry, its normal.
They do come out wet of course and soft, but harden and dry as the air hits them. That is why bits of straw/grass/shavings sticks to them. Sounds normal to me, unless the shell is really soft.
The eggs I get are like that if I get them right after they were laid. After a couple minutes they are dry. It's just the natural 'lubrication' that they need to be laid...
That is strange! I don't seem to get that. I've picked up eggs less than a minute after they were laid, fresh from Chicken, and they're perfectly dry with nothing stuck to them. It must be the weather here. It's too hot for anyone's good.

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