New member at BYC & already have my question.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
Portland, Oregon
Hi Everyone,

I'm excited to be here. This is the first time I have chickens (except a long time ago, and that's another story). I have build my own chicken coop and run-tractor. I'm the proud owner of three girls since the end of may. Enriqueta (Harriet) is a Plymouth Rock. Clementina (Clementine) is a Buff Brahma, and Florentina (Florentine) is my Buff Orpington.

These are my girls just around 6 weeks old, enjoying their first outing.

I absolutely adore them, and I have tried my best to build a good coop, find the best food. I've read about the pecking order and everything, but I'm puzzled and of course probably worrying for no good reason. My pickle is... When I bought them all three chicks were about the same size. However, Florentina, my Buff Orpington, which is now 10 weeks, looks smaller than my other two. I have noticed that her feathers are not as full as Clementina (which is the biggest now) or Enriqueta (which has a lovely feathers and seems to be the boss).
I just read an article today about Orpingtons requiring a higher load of protein. And I'm wondering if she's not just as big because she is the lowest ranking. I have noticed that she is more shy than the others when it comes to eating. I have even put her on a cage next to the other girls and gave her tofu, and other goodies. I have feed the girls even Quinoa and other great grains. These girls also go around my yards a few times a day under my supervision :D, then they hang out on their traktor run.

anyone has any ideas or suggestions? I hope I'm not worrying too much over. I read Clementina is going to be the fastest growing, but I thought Orpingtons would be big, and she is little.

This is one of the most recent pictures I took. I keep telling myself that maybe Florentina is just a little bit younger, but I think they were all born around the same time.

The girls finding alternative perching sites around the yard.

Florentina is on the left. The girls are exploring new areas in the yard.

This is the coop I built.

And this is the run before I finished it.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! Your chickens look very healthy and happy. As for Florentina's growth, I think you should ask the Buff Orp breeders and owners' opinions. You'll find a bunch of them here:

Enjoy the site!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

She looks like she is healthy enough. She could just be a runt. Sometimes runts take a while to catch up to the rest of the flock, but many times they do. And sometimes can have a growth spurt and end up bigger than the others! As long as she is eating, drinking and doing everything else the rest of the flock is doing, she is probably fine.

Nice coop! You did a fine job on their home. Your flock looks great!!

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X2 she is probably just a runt. But she appears healthy.

That is an awesome coop you built!!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Cute flock and very nice bright coop! Florentina looks happy, hopefully she is just going to be a small hen.
To me a runt means sickly. She doesn't look sick at all, there are always biggest and smallest in any grouping. I am the smallest of 3 children and not a runt. I am old and feisty now

Either she is just small or maybe she is a bantam orpington. If she came from a hatchery their birds often differ quite a bit from the SOP(standard of Perfection) for whatever breed.

Brahma's are large birds, so you can't compare her to that one. The other breed may also be large. Just enjoy the little one for what she is and find other things to worry about. Like is the barred one a male in disguise.
Welcome to BYC! Florentina is small, but otherwise looks fine. As long as she continues to be healthy, I wouldn't worry about her lack of size. She may even be a late bloomer that will eventually catch up to Enriqueta. I wouldn't expect her (or Enriqueta) to reach Clementina's size as Brahmas are a very large breed. Good luck with your trio of ladies.
Hi Drunkstick Diva,
Thanks for your advice. You really seem to know your chickens,... :D I have not considered if Florentina was a Bantam, that could be exciting. I love the three of them just as they are. I just was told she would also be big. It's not a problem if it's not. I just want to make sure I was doing it right and that they are happy and healthy.
As far as having a sneaky boy in the flock, it has crossed my mind. I was doing research for a while before worrying about Florentina. I've been keeping an eye on the three of them, and nobody has said a peep early in the morning yet( and I hope nobody does, since I live in the city, and I don't want to get rid of any of them).
But just in case, here are some pictures. I realize that at this point, you can only tell by the feathers?

Do you think Enriqueta is a rooster in disguise?

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