New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

Welcome. I am so happy for you to have a cockerel. I think roosters are the best and they have so much depth as compared to hens. Just tonight, I rubbed my Milo's belly before he went to bed for 15 minutes and sang "you are my sunshine" to him. I love the time with him and my other roosters. When I talk with them, they seem to listen and somewhat understand. My advice to keep him a good rooster is that you treat him with a lot of respect for the job he is born to do. He will defend his hens to the death, he is responsible for finding food, and to mate. I give treats to my rooster to give to his hens. It is so much fun to watch him divide the food and then give it to them - and he will never eat until they have had what they want. If there is no more, he doesn't eat. Don't listen to people who tell you to be afraid of roosters, or that they are dangerous. If a rooster tries to come at you, they are afraid of something. When you figure out what it is - everything will be fine again. Roosters are awesome.

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