New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

Welcome. I am so happy for you to have a cockerel. I think roosters are the best and they have so much depth as compared to hens. Just tonight, I rubbed my Milo's belly before he went to bed for 15 minutes and sang "you are my sunshine" to him. I love the time with him and my other roosters. When I talk with them, they seem to listen and somewhat understand. My advice to keep him a good rooster is that you treat him with a lot of respect for the job he is born to do. He will defend his hens to the death, he is responsible for finding food, and to mate. I give treats to my rooster to give to his hens. It is so much fun to watch him divide the food and then give it to them - and he will never eat until they have had what they want. If there is no more, he doesn't eat. Don't listen to people who tell you to be afraid of roosters, or that they are dangerous. If a rooster tries to come at you, they are afraid of something. When you figure out what it is - everything will be fine again. Roosters are awesome.
Thank you ❤️ I really appreciate your take. He is so sweet… I would hate to have to give him up. Just today he gave the best snuggles. He always stretches his neck out to lay it on my arm or leg and will sit with me for quite a while.
Hello, welcome to BYC! :frow

I see a Delaware pullet and a Easter Egger cockerel. As suggested you probably should get a few more girls to add to the flock, if possible.
Thank you - I appreciate it. Out of curiosity- what features make everyone say he’s a cockerel? I’ve suspected it from the big feet and pretty plumage, but curious what stands out to people who really know about chickens.
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Brand new first time chicken mama! We adopted them from out elementary school after the kindergarten had them for a couple weeks as newly hatched chicks.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
2 chicks. I think they are 6-7 weeks old right now.

(3) What breeds do you have?
They are mystery chicks!! Guessing at the breeds based on online research.

Thinking my brown one that has a flat comb and greenish feet might be an Easter egger?

The white one with black speckles, yellow legs and comb with points - maybe Delaware, Colombian Wyandotte or Light Sussex? Or a mix?

I welcome your thoughts!!

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
New to this, but so far they are just fun to have, and my daughter loves them!

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I have a young daughter who is the main reason for the adoption of our 2 chicks. She has been obsessed with chickens! She even had a chicken themed birthday party 😂

We also have 2 indoor cats who freak out about birds outside the window, but have failed to even notice the birds in our hands as we’ve carried them through the house to play outside.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D
Have had far too many google searches for answers on care, breed, sex, etc. lead me to this forum. Excited to join!
Welcome to BYC!!
Thank you - I appreciate it. Out of curiosity- what features make everyone say he’s a cockerel? I’ve suspected it from the big feet and pretty plumage, but curious what stands out to people who really know about chickens.
It's his feather pattern, all splotchy and has red patches, that's a sign of a cockerel. Pullets should have nice even coloring, and they don't really get red patches.
Also, red patches only apply to certain breeds.
Hi Clucky Chicky Mama :frow

I liked the chicken theme party, that was sweet.

Hi! 👋 thanks!

The chicken party was super cute! My husband and dad both wore “What the cluck?” T-shirts, and I wore one that said “Guess what?” and had an arrow pointing to a chicken’s butt. My daughter wore a pretty dress with colorful chickens all over it. We had chicken balloons, and gummy eggs and gummy chicken feet for the kids. 🐓

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