New member, formal introduction!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
I've been checking out the site anonymously for about a month and a half and finally joined last week.

I've had chickens before (10 years ago) and really enjoyed them. Recently we came to a point where we were ready to join the chicken world again and have slowly developed our backyard coop and run. I started with 6 pullets, lost one to a combination of respiratory illness and some animal interference while she had her head outside the fencing. I began with a barred rock, buff orp, 2 blue Cochins, a black chicken I haven't identified and what I believe is a Frizzled Serama (buff-ish colored--my avatar pic).

Last week I incorporated 6 Silkie pullets (2 of those are smooth) and a Silkie roo. They all established a pecking order which was fun to watch. The roo learned in short order that he is not in charge, that would be the barred rock!

No eggs yet but I'm fairly certain at least one silkie is going into production soon. I've noticed a nest shape being created in the pine shavings and the roo has been treading her lately.

Below I hope to share a pic of my current setup. The Mr and I are in the process of designing a larger coop so I look forward to updating soon!

Welcome to BYC. I'm an occasional poster, but enjoy reading the new member intros when I can get on the internet. We're wayyyy out in the countryside of rural Texas (you go two miles past the middle of nowhere, then turn left). I know you will enjoy your chickens, especially when they start to lay.
Welcome to BYC. I'm an occasional poster, but enjoy reading the new member intros when I can get on the internet. We're wayyyy out in the countryside of rural Texas (you go two miles past the middle of nowhere, then turn left). I know you will enjoy your chickens, especially when they start to lay.

I'm currently in eastern NC. We're 7 miles from town and there's not much to that town! So much fun watching them daily! My kids really enjoy them too.
Hello I live in Newport Vermont and I have 4 beautiful 8 week old roasters to give away to a good home. They are very friendly I don't think they have a choice lol I have 2 children that show them love and carry them around everyday. They are purebred breeds I will take pic if anyone wants me to just let me know we orders them from McMurray hatchery and they were suppose to be all girls.bit ended up with 8 boys out of 25

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