Jun 24, 2017
Hi everybody!

My name is Kate and I have been into animal husbandry for years. My love of birds started with my first budgie, Freddy, and then I adopted several more feathered friends. Right now our family consists my quaker parrot Ozzy, my lovebird Chirpy, and my green cheek conure Agrippa; all rescues (well my husband I rescued from his "normal" life hahahaha). My husband and I are fond of the macabre and often compare ourselves to Morticia and Gomez. We love wine and spirits (home-brewing too), cooking (which is one of the reasons I want to be more self sufficient/homestead), movies, video games, and art. He plays rugby and I do yoga/swim/kayak. I found this website while looking for reviews of hatcheries. I took the risk despite all the scary stories of mypetchicken. Luckily I'm obsessively watched the tracking and called every post office between here and Ohio to make sure they arrived on time hahaha. We have welcomed 8 little babby chicks into a homestead I am slowly building. I have never had laying hens before but I imagine they present somewhat easier challenges than rescue parrots (at least it seems that way in all the literature and extensive research I've been doing for the past 3 years...I'm an over-planner/worry wort).

The babies we are raising are all named after the solar system (really they are named after all the characters in Sailor Moon):
Mercury-the fastest and smallest, we think she is some sort of banty hybrid (we got 3 dealer's choice feather legged bantams) that has sort of calico colored down
Venus-we think she's a silver/white easter egger (she's yellow and white, standard size)
Mars-Rhode Island Red, she's the only ginger in the bunch
Jupiter-New Jersey Giant (big!)
Saturn-Silver Lace Wyandotte
Uranus-Easter Egger (we think, we ordered two), she's brown with black stripes/pied
Neptune-biggest of the banty hybrids, loves to eat
Pluto-middle sized banty, loves to sleep

Does anyone have any good threads for beginners (i.e. stuff everybody forgets to do with baby chicks, building coops, buying the right feed, etc.)? Many thanks and blessings!
Hi Kate!
Our Learning Center is a great place to start reading.

How old/young are your chicks right now?
They are about a week old. So far no casualties! A few pasty butts at first but after a few butt wipings/blow dries (got the best text from my husband about that lol) and probiotics in the water they seems ok. We started hand feeding them a few days ago; Mercury and Jupiter have definitely taken to being fed/handled.
More important at this age it the temp and eating.
make sure you don't over heat them and make sure they all eat and drink well and you will be in good shape.
Next is the coop...make sure it is very secure...no holes bigger than an inch anywhere. And make sure nothing can dig under into it.
Proper diet is also very important.
I guess there are a lot of "important". Don't over think things...keep it simple, most of the time it is simple.
Welcome to the BYC flock. You may also want to check out the coops section, for great ideas, styles, sizes etc. and the Predator threads for info on safeguarding your flock.

When your chicks are 6-8 weeks. old you can post photos of them at "what breed or gender is this," and get them sorted out.
Some of the SQUAD:

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