New member from Indiana

hi everyone!
I finally got tired of not being able to see or post every time this group popped ul when i googled a chicken question! lol

im new to chickens and learning every day. My boyfriend had over a hundred mixed laying hens a few years ago. when i moved in a raccoon population explosion had killed almost all of them. most for fun. our neighbors decided to get some chicka from tsc in the spring and gave us 3 inspite of our warnings about coons. well, all of those are gone so we invested in several live traps and within 2 weeks had "removed" over 30 coons. we built more secure coops and felt safe to add again.

we restarted w an adult trio of sfh (which i ADORE) and while researching them i realized i was more interested breeding the unique and endangered breeds. i ofcourse quickly searched for a pair of cemanis and found a really kind breeder 3 hours from me. she also had silkies and cochins...lord help me ;) lol soooo sweeet and sooooo soft! ugh...i have a problem.

we have separate pens for each breed now! i just hatched 2 of my sfh eggs and have almost 30 more in incubators due in the next 2 weeks.

im looking forwwrd to searching theu all of the info you have here! thank u for letting me join :)
Hi! Welcome from Noblesville! :frow
So nice to see you on here!
I think we might know each other. 😂
Fanatics are welcome here too!:D

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