New member from NC


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2021
I'm brand new from NC but have raised chickens most of my life. We moved to a different house 9 month ago and don't have chickens right now BUT I need advice about a missing female Mallard. She laid a couple eggs around my pond 2 weeks ago, but has now disappeared! I walked all the way around the pond a few days ago and found the remains of about six eggs, but they were all empty and demolished, as if maybe a coyote??? We have had a gradual influx of coyotes in our area over the last 10 years. The male mallard continues to hang around, as if looking for his mate! It's really sad. I don't know if she was attacking killed or throw away. The male continues to swim on the pond, but he's very lonely. Can someone with more experience in mallards tell me what could have happened, or what I can do? I put out canned corn about every other day, and before she disappeared the Mallards seemed very happy. I'd appreciate any advice at all! Thanks in advance
Hi! welcome to Byc! That is so sad. Do you know if there are any other ducks in the area? If you could get to them and attract them to your pond then he might be happy.
Her mate is still here all alone. I agree with you, I believe she was killed also, especially since I found all those crushed and eaten eggs. Sad 😨
Welcome to BYC. A predator found her where she was setting, killed her, and ate the eggs. The drake's pair bond is strong enough that he is hanging around hoping that she will return. I once saw a Canada gander that stayed by the body of his road killed mate for at least 5 days.
I think she may be dead . Also she may be sitting on a nest somewhere in a different location . Often times mallards lay more than one clutch in a single season . I have some that have laid 3 clutches . Wood ducks do the same thing . We put up wood duck houses in 3 at a time because one box acts as a dump box . Often mallards will lay an egg or two on the bank they are called rouge eggs . The female hasn't figured out what's going on yet or what's happening to her she is a first timer . If that male hangs around for about 28 days start looking for the family they may show up around 30 days . Hard to say because sometimes the male will fly off to meet her at a different location then return to your pond or you may see her get off the nest to clean herself up . Have you found any feathers ? Good luck, Welcome to BYC !:frow

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