New Member in Kansas City!


Feb 16, 2021
Hello everyone! We've got a flock of 8 girls and a pair of hen ducks and a bitty drake. Our mix includes 2 easter eggers, australorp, creme legbar, Jersey Giant (named Chicken Little, of course), Black Copper Maran, ayam cemani, and a silkie. Our ducks are a pair of magpie hens named Splodge and Failduck, and a tiny Cayuga/mallard call duck cross named Hopalong who has one working leg and one stubby leg.
I'm hoping to add a few more birds this spring...a Cayuga hen, a Fayoumi (ours was fantastic, and a fox got her. Definitely my girl and way friendlier than I expected), and maybe a Deathlayer. With a Scotch Collie and a collie mix around, we no longer have fox issues! The scotch sits out there for hours each day keeping our ladies safe. HIGHLY recommend these as flock guardians! Both dogs like to herd them which is very useful when everyone needs to get in the pen, now.
I'm hoping to meet some fellow flock owners, swap stories and eggs, and just enjoy!
Hello everyone! We've got a flock of 8 girls and a pair of hen ducks and a bitty drake. Our mix includes 2 easter eggers, australorp, creme legbar, Jersey Giant (named Chicken Little, of course), Black Copper Maran, ayam cemani, and a silkie. Our ducks are a pair of magpie hens named Splodge and Failduck, and a tiny Cayuga/mallard call duck cross named Hopalong who has one working leg and one stubby leg.
I'm hoping to add a few more birds this spring...a Cayuga hen, a Fayoumi (ours was fantastic, and a fox got her. Definitely my girl and way friendlier than I expected), and maybe a Deathlayer. With a Scotch Collie and a collie mix around, we no longer have fox issues! The scotch sits out there for hours each day keeping our ladies safe. HIGHLY recommend these as flock guardians! Both dogs like to herd them which is very useful when everyone needs to get in the pen, now.
I'm hoping to meet some fellow flock owners, swap stories and eggs, and just enjoy!
Hi maroongrad! Welcome to BYC ! I hope you have fun ! I recommend getting more girl ducks . I have two girls and one boy but now it’s mating season both girls are getting over mated and we keep having to separate Kefi drake which is heartbreaking cause whenever the girls walk more than two feet away from his cage he starts panicking and its very sad . I wish we didn’t have to separate him and we put him back with him whenever it’s too cold or the girls start looking significantly better after a test day . Pls get more girl ducks for your Good and your ducks. Anyway everyone on this website is AmAzInG so nice ♥️ Have a nice day ~ Cassie

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