New member in the U.P.


Yooper in the coop
Apr 13, 2022
Howdy everyone, I'm a brand new chicken owner located in the upper peninsula of Michigan. just got me 11 chicks and can't wait to see how they fair. all in all I got:
1 light Brahma pullet
4 GL Wyandotte straight runs
3 Rhode island red pullet
2 Rhode island red straight runs
1 leghorn pullet

wanted to get a mix starting out so could see which ones I prefer raising.
eventually I really want to get some cream legbars and WL orpingtons, as they are such beautiful birds. I think so far laced and barred birds are some of my favorites.

besides that I also run a rabbitry, though I had to start over after moving to the UP as I couldn't bring my rabbits with me. still setting up the cages but I hope to start up again this spring.

and for good measure I'll include a pic of one of the Rhode islands :D


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