New Member Intro & Immediate Advice Needed


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2015
Hello All,

New Member here! Sooo much to take in on this website, and very informative. My name is Josh, 35, married with a 6yr old girl. We just built a new house in a rural area on 2 acres and I am excited about using all of this open space! I have already built a grapevine trellis and now I'm on to other things. The idea of owning chickens is exciting to me, not only for the aspect of a super cool backyard pet, but also for the fact that you get fresh eggs daily, and with a tractor you get the added benefit of having them aerate and fertilize your yard.

I have been cruising the site for the past few days and am torn between going ahead and going full force on a coop to house 10-15 chickens, or backing off the throttle and leaning toward a smaller tractor to house 4-6 chickens...and making sure my family are chicken people. I have been obsessed here lately on trying to figure out what to do. I am also excited on the fact that I get to do a few DIY projects between the brooder box and the coop/tractor, whichever I decide on.

As far as the brooder box goes I really like the idea of the heat blanket miniature "cave". Seems much closer to natural than the common lamp set up to me.

A lot of decisions to be made here!

I have probably looked at nearly every plan on the site and all of them seem to offer something a little unique from the other, offering something useful from each idea. That's the great thing about a site like this, everybody has a different POV and they all have something to draw from. Excellent!!

Anyhow, I am looking forward to starting this new journey with chickens among other ways to make this 2 acres produce to make my family more self sufficient. I think this was God's plan for humankind to begin with! Family and using the gifts given to us to survive and thrive. I know I am not alone on this! I'm not a tree hugging hippie or anything but do have an idea of what I think things are meant to be. We are to be good stewards!

Look forward too hearing all of your expert advice!

Thanks in advance,

Hello, Josh, welcome to BYC. Why not start small and then expand next year if you really enjoy the birds. Good luck with your decision.
Welcome to the site! And good luck making up your mind. (And there's no shame in being a tree hugging hippie ;) )
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Hello and welcome to the club. I would start small at first by getting 3-5 chickens, you can always add from there. Just my opinion. There is a lot to learn, and some of the things can only be learned from experience. Every chicken has it's own personality and the are extremely amusing to watch. Will they be free ranging or will they be penned up in a chicken run all day? If you build a coop or a tractor, make sure you build it big enough to add more flock members when you want to, or it can be easily modified to accommodate more birds. Myself personally I like coops, I really have no rhyme or reason I just do. I currently let my flock free range around my yard but that is all about to change shortly. They poop a lot, so if you allow them on a porch or the back patio they will most certainly crap all over the place. Your flock will certainly be happy on a 2 acre lot that's for sure. Good luck on your new journey.
Thanks for the words of wisdom! I plan on pinning them up mostly but will let them out for a few hours each evening when I get home from work, mainly so I can keep an eye on them. My neighbor has a dog they let out in the evenings so I have to make sure and coordinate with them so the ladies don't get in to a bad situation. I'll let them out longer on the weekend too when I can watch them good.. I have a lot of spare wood laying around so adding on later shouldn't be a big deal. Thanks again!
Once they get to laying, feed them in the morning, let them free range at noon and at evening they will go back to the coop without any force. Good luck!
I appreciate the advice. I would love to be there to supervise an out of the pin visit twice a day but I do have a day job so I'll only be able to watch them when I am home in the evenings and weekends. Otherwise I'm afraid what might happen to them. I do want to free-range them as much as much as possible though.

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