New Member introduction


Mar 13, 2017
Hudson Valley NY

My name is JK but on here you can either call me JK or Hillaire as that is the name of my chicken "farm". I started raising cochin bantams about a year ago. My grandfather used to raise them and after he passed away I decided to keep the hobby going. Currently I have 10 hens and 2 roosters. All hens are cochins except for 1 white silkie and 1 Japanese black bantam. The colors I have are blue, black, gold laced, red, buff, for the 2 boys one is partridge the main boy is barred. I also have some chicks I am growing out right now. 4 buff orpington bantams 4 porcelain d'uccle bantams a brown chick not sure what it is yet but is clean legged. and 2 mallard ducklings, I'm also getting 2 runner ducklings next week. I have an incubator that had a failed hatch of 22 eggs due to the thermostat in the little giant incubator breaking. I now have an internal thermometer/hydrometer and have 28 eggs that are barnyard cochin eggs. I have a youtube channel called Hillaire Farming as well where I do numerous things on there. I'm from upstate NY so right now with the snow there hasn't been much content but as it gets nicer there will be more. Check it out ;) Anyways I love reading everything everyone has to say on here and thought I would give it a shot. Can't wait to grow with you guys and gals.
Hi :welcome JK

Glad you could join us here! What a lovely introduction, I've really enjoyed getting to more about you and your flock. Sorry to hear you had a failed hatch, that is such a shame. I hope your next hatch is much better and all goes well :fl

Enjoy your time here on BYC :frow
thanks for the welcome! I was definitely upset on wasting those eggs in the failed hatch. BYC is definitely a great source for information.


We like pictures..incase you feel like sharing some!
I will take some good pictures tonight and add them tomorrow :D you can also look up hillaire farming on youtube to get a good feel for what I'm about lol
G’Day from down under JK

Great introduction and nice pics!

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

You might want to also pop in and say hello on your local thread: ‘Find your State’s thread.

It's nice to have you here! Best of luck with future hatches and thanks for sharing pictures.
thank you, I can't wait to see what this hatch produces. I was able to mark the eggs that I knew what hen laid so I have a few blues in the mix as she is one of my favorite hens along with my gold laced girls who are like puppy dogs.

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