New member long time user


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 3, 2013
hello everyone, I'm a new member but have been using BYC as a great information resource for over a year now. Last spring I started my chicken adventure with 4 chickens, this spring I've expanded to 11 chickens and 2 ducks. Although I had planned on raising them mostly for eggs with the development of 4 of the new batch being Roos I just processed my first bird a few days ago with the help of the great articles on BYC!! I also started composting in the run and feeding my birds FF with the help of the articles here. So long story short now that it looks like I'm in it for the long haul I figure I can ask some questions of my own and maybe pass on some information of my own to other newbies to the world of raising your own birds.
nice to meet you.

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