New Member, Old Lurker


7 Years
Aug 20, 2016
Hi Backyard Chickens gang,

After spending months reading posts on this site constantly, I finally signed up for an account.

My husband and I got eight chicks in February and they are now all grown up and laying yummy eggs. We love our chickens! The information we learned by reading this forum has been invaluable during our first chicken experience. This is a great community.
Welcome to the BYC flock. What breeds do you have?

We have four easter eggers, one Rhode Island red, one silver laced wynadote, one red/brown sex linked (I'm not exactly sure what its really called - the farm at which we got the chicks call it a "jersey gold", which seems to be a made up name) and one black sex link (which I kind of suspect may be an Astrlorpe).

6 out of 8

The black sex link:

Greetings from Kansas and :welcome. Great to have you in our community. Best of luck to you and your chicks! :)

Thanks! I forgot to mention that I'm from New York City. Not exactly a place that makes you think of backyard chickens, but we live in a more suburban boro and have a decently sized backyard (by New York City standards, anyway). Plus, surprisingly, New York City laws are pretty much okay with keeping hens as long as you don't have roosters and their coop and run has sufficient space.

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