New member. Sooooo excited!!


Sep 26, 2016
Just wanted to say hey y'all!! I've been reading this forum for a couple years and finally decided to pull the trigger on getting chickens. Have had them 3 weeks now, and boom, Thursday I got my first egg!!! My HOA disallows chickens but I asked all my neighbors (great friends) and they were all supportive. I only have 2 right now, Pork and Beans, and Pork is my layer so far. I think Beans may be special :). Anyways I look forward to being a member, and man that fried egg sandwich just tasted great!!!

Glad you made it our way!

Yes, those eggs are yummy!
Hi and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us and congrats on your new chickens. Good that your neighbours are supportive of your new hobby. Best thing to do with a fresh egg is poaching IMO - wonderful. Still, you'll know a million and one things to do with an egg very soon!

You'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area -

All the best

I know it's hard to tell but I'm having trouble determining if Beans (white and red) is an EE or a true Ameruacana. Any insight? Will post a better pic tomorrow. No eggs from her yet
Going to say it looks like an EE..go check out the thread suggested..see what they say there too. EE's..and Americauna's can take a long time to start laying. I have been lucky with mine starting around the 6 month point, but....I have one that is finally checking out the next boxes at 7 months!

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