New Member to the BYC here from the PNW


In the Brooder
Aug 18, 2023
Hi Everyone! I am a new member of this board and I live in the PNW (ok, northwest Washington State). We purchased our first flock of baby chicks from a local chain of farm stores in May 2022, and we thought we had figured out raising chickens until we purchased another 8 chicks just 2 months ago, and now we are totally lost as to what to do!

Other things about us (myself and husband) - we are empty nesters with 2 dogs. The 5 kids have left, 3 are married and giving us grandchildren. The two youngest kids are bachelors in their early 20's (and boy oh boy do we pray for them;o).

We have a small hobby farm of 5.5 acres. We have a small orchard, a couple of greenhouses, and every year we have a garden that doesn't seem too big when we plant, but by the end of summer we are up to our ears in canning and freezing! I want to add a lavender field, and a few more blueberry bushes.

My husband still works for a tech company, and he commutes to the city 3 days a week, the other 2 days he works from the farm (you really do have to love high-speed internet).

To accomodate the new chicks we started building the Cluck Mahal. Still working on it, but it will be LARGE chicken coop with a covered chicken run.

Currently the year old ladies are 1 Leghorn, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Amerucanas, and 3 Black Alsorps. We started last year with 3 of everything, but have lost 4 chickens due to us being newbies.

The new baby chicks are 2 Legnhorns, 2 Welsummers, 2 Barred Rock, and 2 Blue Sapphires.

We are looking forward to learning more!

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