New Member, Veteran Advanced Animal Rehabber and Visitor to BYC

A friend of mine encouraged me to join, and so here I am after many, many years of reading on this site. I love the active participation here and always come away learning something new. Plus, members are kind and supportive to each other! I'm always researching and working to improve the quality of life for all my peeps. I have dedicated my life to animals, and have a "closet" degree in advanced animal rehabilitation. I spent many, many years actively rescuing, putting broken spirits and bodies back together, determined to show that life on earth can be gentle and kind. While I no longer actively rescue, as that cruel side of man nearly did me in, I will never turn my back on an animal in need. Through animals, I have learned how to better take care of myself. Animals have taught me how to survive, even under the most dire circumstances. Their unconditional love and will to live can teach mankind a great deal! My avatar is my disabled chicken, a Japanese bantam, Claire. Last July, I found her languishing horribly in a coop crowded with a "bezellion" teenage Japanese bantams. The breeder had coops on wheels, to sell chickens on his driveway during the day, and wheel the coops into his garage at night. They all desperately needed a thorough, pressure wash clean. Really, so bad, that it would have probably been better to simply throw the coops out and start over! I felt so, SO very sorry for all the chickens inside, no place to go, suffering at the hands of their caregiver. And there was Claire...

I spotted Claire immediately when I stepped out of the car with my constant companion, Peep, by my side. Peep is my almost 8yr old rescued Chiweenie who was living outside with predatory birds circling overhead! Here she is with me at Wal-mart, one of the few "peoples" I know who Loves going there! View attachment 2979418Both of us were horrified. There she was flailing, trying to get away from the hoard trampling her, trying to seek refuge under the stairs leading to the nesting area. Most of her feathers were gone, those left were badly broken, her little head completely bald. She was pretty much pecked all over. And, as the coop was in sun part day and she had no way to get out of the sun, her skin was so badly sunburnt, it hurt terribly to witness!! The first thing I told the breeder, "I'm taking that one...!" He replied, "Oh, she's a tough ol' bird!" One leg was badly splayed, from birth, he said... He had meant to bring her inside and Just Had Not Gotten Around To It.

The name Claire immediately popped into my head.

I rushed her home. She was terrified in the car, in a makeshift little cage he gave me, that I thankfully had lined with fleece to provide her some comfort. Once home, I turned off all the lights and let her calm down before examining her more closely. I fashioned a leg brace from that bandage material that sticks onto itself, and rubbed coconut oil on her skin. She seemed to visibly relax. I put her in a towel lined basket in her habitat, and from there she improved to good health in leaps and bounds! I noticed that the splint was an impediment, causing her to stumble around even more. I removed the splint and noticed that she actually got around quite well, using the splayed leg to support herself. Within a few weeks I saw feathers starting to come in, to include on her little head! She lives happily with other Japanese bantams, on a nicely cushioned floor. I bathe her underside as needed and then she spends the evening napping in her basket with me and other peeps. She's quite tame and purrs, happily clucking and chirping!

And, so I join this community to hopefully share some of my knowledge and stories, as I have enjoyed so many over the years.
Welcome to the group and about time. If you haven't already looked over the forum carefully. You will find threads and forums on all your many birds; dogs too.

Take a few minutes to look over, "articles". This is something I didn't do when I first joined. It's a wealth of information.

I'm afraid this day has started out poorly. One of my beautiful phoenix roosters has grown worse and it looks like I will have to euthanize; something I absolutely hate. But as all bird keepers know, sometimes we have to do what's right regardless.
Welcome to the group and about time. If you haven't already looked over the forum carefully. You will find threads and forums on all your many birds; dogs too.

Take a few minutes to look over, "articles". This is something I didn't do when I first joined. It's a wealth of information.

I'm afraid this day has started out poorly. One of my beautiful phoenix roosters has grown worse and it looks like I will have to euthanize; something I absolutely hate. But as all bird keepers know, sometimes we have to do what's right regardless.
Thanks and to all, Dan recommended I join. So very sorry to hear about your Phoenix roo, I know how much you dote on your peeps and how you cherish your Phoenix.

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