New Member with a sad chicken, please help

Welcome! I hope your chicken is feeling better soon. I see you are in good hands here.

Ive had my chicken in my house all day in an open cat box, he's still very very sleepy. ive fed him on some corn, higher protein, he's had little bits at a time and I have given him water every hour or so with some chicken cider vinegar in and it does seem to perk him up a bit. he's only gone to the toilet twice and its a bit green in colour. I have just put him back in the coop and he did seem a bit more perky. Fingers crossed he'll be better in the morning.... still have no idea what is actually wrong with him, he just seems really dopey/tired.

His eyes are clear when he has them open, I can't find any injuries.

I meant to say, my chickens have the run of the garden during the day, I give them layer pellets, chicken mix, vegetables, pasta.

I will Boil an egg in the morning for him too, ive also heard that natural yoghurt might help.... anyone else think that is a good idea or not???
Yogurt is great for them and they do love it ........

Have you boiled up an egg to feed to your chicken yet ( and mash it up real good ) ????

I see you put down you chicken is drinking plenty of water .........

Please keep us updated to any progress ...........

to BYC!

Good luck with your flock! This is the place to be for all your poultry questions!

Great to have you aboard and hope all is well within your flock soon. :)

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