New Member


Aug 17, 2015
Hello from Holley NY , I have a question about hatching from a brooding chicken. Day 19 and 2 of our 8 eggs disappeared
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Do you have any predators that could have got in the nest and taken the eggs? Has the broody hen kicked the eggs out of the nest? Could they have got under the bedding in the nest? Could you have had a couple of early hatchers and the mother has eaten a couple of shells? I've had my first broody this year and when I heard cheeping coming from the nest I thought great they have hatched. I had a quick look under her and she had three chicks but I could not see the fourth and final egg/chick. When she got off the nest with chicks I checked shells and only had 3 shells. I thought she had eaten the fourth egg as I could not find it any where. When the chicks came out from under her 4 chicks appeared!! I missed a chick and she must have eaten one shell.

Good luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Hello earnyms! Is your broody hen in an open place? raccoons or rats could be getting to them. And make sure if you have other chickens with her that they are getting enough food because if not, they could eat hers. It's happened to me :(
No predators that we have ever seen. She is in a protected coop and when she gets out to eat the other plymouth rock takes her place. I have a camera mounted above the nest so I can check in regularly and often both hens are in the nest together.
me and my family are first time chicken owners. we bought six six week old Rhode Island Red Hen. I just started building a chicken house for them and are very curious for you guys to the pinion on how steep the ramp can be in the picture from where the pallet is to the floor that's where I was thinking of putting the ramp but I'm afraid it might be too steep.. my entire structure is being built from reclaimed wood that I picked up from odd ball projects and craigslist..please help me figure out thus lil problem....ty

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