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Sep 21, 2015
hi, I have four 3 month old chickens. I also have at 3 months old each, a white drake, Donald and small brown duck with crown on top of her head, (Petunia). The rest of my group consists of five 8 week old white ducklings of unknown gender who are almost as big as Donald. It appears that Donald may be a little older than I thought because he spends his time trying to mate with Petunia and maybe a chicken or two, I will keep 1 drake so my question is: What can I do with what might be extra drakes that I don't want? I don't want any more ducklings so I'll have to keep the most lethargic drake of the bunch. At this point it doesn't look good for Donald. Adoni
Well, personally I'd send them to freezer camp. You can try rehoming them but I don't know how quickly they might rehome.

If your male duck is attempting to mate your chickens, you need to separate them immediately. Whereas roosters have only a rudimentary sex organ inside the clocal fold, male ducks have an actual penis, and can badly hurt hens when attempting to mate as they are not designed to breed like that.
Welcome to Back Yard Chickens !

You might think of selling them or even giving them away. That is if you do not want to cook them.

Thank you very much. I will separate them asap. And yes, the freezer is looking better and better. Thank you all again very much.

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