New member


Mar 25, 2022
Hey all! My DH and I are recently retired and just got 8 chicks! 2 barred rock, 2 blue Sapphire, 2 silver laced wyandotte, and 2 novogen. I am an avid gardener, crazy fabric lady (quilter) and happy grandma to 1. I found this community when I was looking for info on chick grit and really enjoyed the info I found!
:jumpyHey all! My DH and I are recently retired and just got 8 chicks! 2 barred rock, 2 blue Sapphire, 2 silver laced wyandotte, and 2 novogen. I am an avid gardener, crazy fabric lady (quilter) and happy grandma to 1. I found this community when I was looking for info on chick grit and really enjoyed the info I found!
Welcome!! And howdy from TX:frow
Congratulations on getting your chicks! This is a great community of folks who know a lot about poultry and are happy to share what they know. However, you might be interested in some of the other topics; just yesterday, someone started a Sewing Thread you might enjoy.

Welcome to BYC, and best wishes with your great eight!

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