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Hi! My family began raising chickens early last year. First we had a mix of Welsummers and Easter eggers. After a year we added Isa Brown and two Brahma hens. We had a total of 21 hens and a rooster. The Isas were pecking the Brahmas literally to death so our option was to free range during the day and bring in the house at night. Soon I decided that they needed the rooster (Welsummer) out with them. The girls wouldn't allow him to mate with them and I took pity and brought our two Welsummer hens out for him. He was very happy about this. My husband built a coop for them and they were just getting into the habit of entering at early evening. One afternoon I went out to gather eggs and the Welsummer hens were missing. I found a pile of feathers about nine yards to the back of the chicken runs. Pretty sure it was a bobcat. Free-ranging is not for us. Losing beloved hens is heartbreaking. The brahmas were hanging out near the back porch most of the day and the Wels girls were with their protector outside of the enclosed coops. The beauty of free ranging is not worth losing our lovely chickens.

My dh and I were shopping at the local feed store and we adopted a sickly Black Star pullet chick. The hot transit leads to the death of some chicks. She had been separated from the other chicks that had been pecking her. The minimum sale of chicks at the store is four. I talked management into selling her to us for $1. So far so good. She is doing well after three days in her new home.

I've already learned a lot from threads here found via search engine inquiries. Just decided to join since my kids told me that I am officially a "crazy chicken lady". Hope y'all have a blessed week!
What a great intro! I'm so glad you joined and so sorry about losing your girls. At least it wasn't the whole flock. I bought my first chicks in 2 groups and they never blended. It always amazes me how soon pecking order gets established. I'm glad you got your bargain black chick. What did you name her?
You have a blessed week also.

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