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In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
Hello-Our family is new raising chickens. We built a cool coop for our 5 Black sex links. They seem to know just what to do. In at night, out during the day.

I do have this question below. No, so sure where to post it!

I am raking the outside portion of my chicken coop (6ft X 6FT) each evening because my 5 - 6week old chicken are outside most of the day eating weeds, grass, pellets, and bugs, plus pooping all day. I am afraid they we get sick eating and pooping in the same area. New to raising chickens - Am I just being a nervous hen myself? They roost and poop all night and I catch the poop in a pan. Very clean inside.
from California!

I am kind of like you with my flock of 8 week olds. Don't think that I can keep up the cleaning schedule forever though.

Post the question on cleaning the coop and run in the "Managing Your Flock" section and we'll both get the answer.

Good luck!

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