New Member


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 9, 2009
So far I'm here to learn more about chickens-don't have any yet. My DH wanted to wait until spring before starting our new venture so I'm taking this time to read about them. I love the forums. I hope I'm doing this right. I don't always understand the computer thing. We have horses, dogs, cats and mini donkeys. We have had ducks before but didn't do so well. We are determined to build a critter proof coop. We are both retired now so we will be able to watch out for the chickens. I can't wait to get started.
from Ohio
HI! welcome to BYC!
I love having chickens.
Critter proofing is worth the expense and the time.
Once you fall in love with them, it hurts to lose them.
I have buff orpingtons and really love them!
Thank you for the welcome. I love these forums. Everyone seems very nice and so helpful with each other.

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