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In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 25, 2012
Toney, AL
Hello everyone!! I live in Toney, AL on a .5 acre lot where I currently have 7 pullets that I'm raising for layers. I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 4 ISA's, and 1 Black Jersey Giant (I had 2 of them until one of our boys accidentally stepped on one and killed it). They are about 4 weeks now I think, can't really remember when I got them other than in Feb sometime. The wife bought me a replacement for the lost black chick and got a Bardrock I think she said, though it looks just like the one we already have even though it's obviously younger. I built a small run for them already for them to stay out in the yard, it's about 32"x24"x48". I'm working on building them a tractor or a stationary coop, haven't decided fully on either yet.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Perhaps a Barred Rock?

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