New members, and soon to be chicken stewards in San Francisco, California!


5 Years
Jan 22, 2015
Hi There!

Urban Chicken Farmers to be, here in foggy San Francisco.

Thanks for all the helpful info!!!

Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to our flock. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Do you have a breed preference?
Glad you joined the flock
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

The breeds you have decided on are good ones! Buff orps are my favorite breed! They are docile, affectionate, calm, great layers, cold hardy and very friendly. Australorps are basically the same as buff orps. Barred rocks are VERY curious birds who like to investigate everything! They are generally friendly and very reliable layers.

Good luck with them!
Thanks everyone! .I've spent some time at the learning center, and we got a few backyard chicken bod for Christmas too!

We're currently planning to get Americana, Buff Orpo, and/or Barred Rocks, depending on what's available at the local feed store.

@michael, I posted a question about coop and run security over in another forum last night :)

Thanks everyone!

You're welcome. I'll go over there later and take a look at it.
Thanks Sarah! We have a 2 year old girl, and a 1 week old boy, in addition to our pound puppy dog - so a friendly/docile breed selection was high on our list :)

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