New Michigander in Oklahoma


9 Years
Jul 15, 2010
Choctaw, OK
I started helping my neighbor sort chicks for his Welsummer, French Cuckoo Marans, French Black Copper Marans, Gold Salmon Marans and sexlinks. When he hatched some Bantam chicks for a friend I could no longer resist the Chicken fever. A local BYC swap did not help, so many different beautiful birds and such NICE PEOPLE!!!!!
BYC was so helpful in helping me choose to raise Bantam Cochins. Now that I have my first birds I am a cochin "believer".
There are so many beautiful and tempting breeds but the breed index was alot of help in finding what suits me best since I don't have unlimited time or space.
I can watch my 'fluffy butts'" for hours. Who knew sitting in the shade and watching chickens can be so relaxing!
Here are my responses to the forum intro. questions -

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New to chickens but grew up on a farm.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? - 5

(3) What breeds do you have? - Bantam Partridge Chchins and a couple of Mille Fleur Project chicks

(4) How did you find out about - Neighbor and Chicken mentor told me about a near by swap, at the swap I got many recomendations for the site

(5) What are some of your other hobbies? - Gardening, painting, drawing, sewing.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
- I teach Junior High Art in a innercity school in Oklahoma City, a very stressfull job. Although I love my job I couldn't do it if I couldn't live out here in the country. I do not mind the drive.
My husband ( a Texan) is a recent Navy retiree. We met in Japan, then spent 8 years in San Diego. Though living in both of those places was very interesting, we dreamed of country living and a little bit of land of our own. Our transfer to Oklahoma gave us that.
We both love animals. We have 1 dog and 4 Cats. Three cats live in the house. A 4th one joined our family against our will but "Moe" was so diplomatic, keeping strays from spraying in my garage, that he now is allowed to sleep on the tail fin of our 82" corvette. If we had more land and time we would have Draft Horses and Alpaca too.
Can't have too many Okies - glad you found BYC!

(Your neighbor/chicken enabler wouldn't happen to be Buckguy20, would it?)

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