New Mommy to Chickens

I have one more question, my apologies. I also bought 4 baby silkies about 2 days ago I have noticed they aren't eating or drinking a lot. Is this normal ? They are peeping away and walking around I shut their heat lamp off as it was too hot and they seem better without it
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I have one more question, my apologies. I also bought 4 baby silkies about 2 days ago I have noticed they aren't eating or drinking a lot. Is this normal ? They are peeping away and walking around I shut their heat lamp off as it was too hot and they seem better without it
They should be chowing down if they are really tiny. How old are they? Start out day olds at 90 degrees and lower the temp by 5 degrees each week. Never cover your brooder with anything but a screen our wire for good heat and oxygen exchange. ALWAYS keep the heat off to one side, food and water on the other so there ARE cool spots in the brooder. Chicks can't yet regulate their internal body temps and need places to cool off. Keep the thermometer on the floor directly beneath the heat source.

Make sure the feathers are not covering their eyes. With adults, it is sometimes required to trim these feathers so they can see. I have heard of Silkies wandering in to ponds and drowning because they can't see. They can starve or die of thirst too.

How are the poops looking with these babies? Babies that don't eat and have blood in the poop or diarrhea many times have Coccidiosis. They stop eating and drinking and die.

You might stop by our Silkies thread too and ask the Silkie experts about your babies. I am NOT a Silkies expert, LOL, they will know more about raising these cute balls of fluff...

Good luck and I hope they are ok!! :)
poops are normal I will check again when I go home as im at work right now, but they arent acting weird.i posted on the silkie page so thank you !
poops are normal I will check again when I go home as im at work right now, but they arent acting weird.i posted on the silkie page so thank you !

Good to hear poop is nornal! Make sure they are at the temp they should be at for their age. If they are over heating or chilled, that will have them off their feed.

Did you sprinkle food around on the floor around the feeder so they know where the food is? I will lay paper towels down for a few days and sprinkle feed by the feeder. It can take them a while to figure things out. Same with water...I dip their beaks in the water when first putting them in the brooder. Chicks are slow without a momma showing them the ropes.

When you get home today, make SURE they are eating. Chicks starve to death fast.

Keep us posted! :)
Hey @ashsilkielove and
I agree with the fact that you could have upset the normal mood of the roost. The chickens may have gotten used to the chickens and they may have been surprised that suddenly two are missing. Its like if we were in our house and we wake up and 2 siblings are gone you probably wouldnt have the first thought be lets eat lol. So eventually when they figure out that they arent coming they should get back to their usual self's and start eating and drinking. Definitely follow the link Yorkshire Coop left you about Behaviors and Egg Laying. All the best of luck to you and your flock!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined the flock! I bought a whole lot of battery hens a few years ago and I remember them being very reluctant to venture outside for more than a week after I brought them home. In time and with some gentle encouragement they started venturing out more and further from the coop. Just give them time, they'll adapt

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