New Moustache resolution for 2012!!

This thursday is "WAX ON" day. I will upload a pic from work with my new daper look. Its grown 1" long!!! Not too shabby for a month of hair.cant wait til next month.


Mountain man status in December!
Here I am after 1 month of naked face to this:

16th century musketeer look....................CHECK!

Next month it will be one of those turn of the century boxing photos.Pretty good for 1 month of growth huh? Over an inch length!!


Never-ever had facial hair grow this length.Possibilities are endless now.
OK, I'll bite ... looks nice, but I am partial to that style of facial hair anyway. The geeky history buff in me wants to point out that the Cavalier/Musketeer time frame is mid-17th century (1650s, just like we are now in the 21st century) and that your shirt is way, WAY too tame for the facial hair. Back then the men decked themselves out like peacocks, so you should have an extremely lacey white collar at least!
OK, I'll bite ... looks nice, but I am partial to that style of facial hair anyway. The geeky history buff in me wants to point out that the Cavalier/Musketeer time frame is mid-17th century (1650s, just like we are now in the 21st century) and that your shirt is way, WAY too tame for the facial hair. Back then the men decked themselves out like peacocks, so you should have an extremely lacey white collar at least!

Zounds! Thine words are correct! Verily,Tis my shirt thats afoul. I thankest thee on yon observation.Even though mine years are a mistep, me looks are still fitting for yon time peiod of yesteryear, hence the portrait which is i.

In feb I'll update with real lacey white fluffy collar shirt and a true dated pic of the time period alongside of my pic for all you geeky history buffs.

OK, I'll bite ... looks nice, but I am partial to that style of facial hair anyway. The geeky history buff in me wants to point out that the Cavalier/Musketeer time frame is mid-17th century (1650s, just like we are now in the 21st century) and that your shirt is way, WAY too tame for the facial hair. Back then the men decked themselves out like peacocks, so you should have an extremely lacey white collar at least!

Ok Im supposed to look like these old dead dudes??

Id say I fit in rather nicely. Ok Ill buy a foo foo collar and do the whole scene.
The second looks quite old-fashioned, being still in a late Elizabethan ruff and without the longer hair ... and no ribbons. Those other two pics you found, definitely yes! Especially the last one with the cocked hat and fancier coat.

For some real fun, move into the late 17th century, sometimes called "the Golden Age of Piracy" LOL with fancy, laced and ribboned justcorps coats and embroidered waistcoats (vests). Have I mentioned I love historical fashion?
Are you going for the Colonel Sanders look too?

It seems to be in the path so I might channel the Colonel.

I didnt want to channel charlie chan,so I stepped over him and went with the cavalier look first.Seems that the fu man choo phase might be creeping up as well.

But the early 20th century boxing look will be due up in the next 2 months.
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