New Octagon Coop Construction Underway - Progress

Beautiful coop! Can't wait to see it finished!!
Around 11 pm, under a nearly full moon, six chickens were relocated from my messed up sunroom to their new home.

There was some concerned clucking at first, but they seemed to settle in nicely. I didn't stick around long, as it was past my bedtime.

I will take some photos and post them soon.

The run isn't as pretty as I had hoped, but it should do the job.

I'm going to collapse now.
I am 'letting' the missus direct the construction. I do the cutting of wood and the screwing pieces together. She measures, and figures out how it all fits together best. Teamwork.

Thanks. I hope they do. They broke out today whilst we were busy constructing their new home. Luckily it wasn't for too long, or our sunroom would have been a real mess. We like to give them 'chicken time' each night - let them out, run around, flap and get picked up.

It would be a lot easier if everything were being covered up, like with dry-wall, but its not, so... we do our best to pick them out.

I am both a programmer and a gamer. Working on an iPhone app, which I hope to have in the store by mid-June. I am certain it will make money, it's good. I don't do anything by halves. I'll pop over to your page next. I think we are within what I expected it would end up costing, but yes, it is a growing amount. We know what we want though, and we know it isn't going to be dirt cheap, but it will be worth it.

OooOO gamers??!?! Do you guys play WOW??? LoL half my flock got their names from WOW Love the coop design can't wait to see it!!!

I don't WOW, (I'm a forum junkie tho) and DH just cancelled his membership after 700 years (or so) - - I was shocked that he finally got bored.

Our chickie babies have just gone in for their 3rd night sleeping in the coop and living in the run - they simply hated the brooder after a day with all that space. Now to get the last 2 in there in a few weeks. They spent a few hours out there today when it was warm and looked a little shell-shocked.

Congrats on a job well done! Coincidentally, we have the same moon here
What??? That's it???

All that amazing work and no final pictures????
No pictures of happy chickens in their super cool coop???

You did and AMAZING JOB on it.

I would LOVE to see some final pictures as I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your coop!! Can you please show interior pics and where you put roosts and nesting boxes? And exterior pictures. All so I can totally copy your coop!!
I was checking octagons for a coop project. Eight sides with a small door on each side. I am making them free rangers. What I wanted to tell you was that Lowes has deer fencing; in the garden dept., it is 7 ft. by 120 ft. for 20 bucks a roll, made by DuPont. The first year around the garden, it caught and killed two 30" copperheads, baked to death by the sun. The deer fencing is what I am using to make lightweight moveable runs for my girls.
The deer fencing will last several years before the sun breaks it down and it becomes brittle. The bonus it will catch snakes, I cut out the black snakes and let them go as they kill poisonous snakes.
Therefore, over your run, it is easy to install, cost effective and protects the girls from hawks, snakes, raccoons, possums, and foxes. I recommend a motion detector to protect them at night. It works well here in the Smoky Mountains., NC.
Are there any photos of the interior of this octagonal coop? We're building one, and would love to hear how you did the inside, and if you'd change anything now that you've had it for a while! (Roosts as well as ventilation) Thanks

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