New owner has a question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Cincinnatus, NY
Hi everyone. I just adopted 4 RIRs. I've never had chickens before, although I have raised a couple flocks of ducks. My first question is how often should I check for eggs? The previous owner told me they are afternoon layers.
When the original owner had them - did they lay in nest boxes inside the coop, or when he free ranged (I imagine) them?

Do you free range them or have them in an enclosed run? I ask because - chickens usually get the laying out of the way and then leave the coop and stay outdoors unless the weather is horrible.

Free ranged birds tend to lay eggs anywhere they happen to be. They may be laying and you just haven't found them yet. Or predators are sneaking off with their eggs.

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Chickens can lay at any time of day and it varies each day. Newly moved birds may stop laying for a week or two until they get used to their new home. So move slowly around them, don't try to pick them up much and it helps to sit quietly with them each day. Bring some treats along with you. This will help them bond with you and know you mean no harm. They may even lay an egg or two right away but stop. These eggs were already in the pipes. But they will get back to laying soon. It helps to put some fake eggs in the nest boxes too so they known where to lay. Also, you might lock them int the coop for a couple days so they learn where home is. If you instantly let them out to free range or in a run, they will not know to return to the coop. They need to be trained to learn it is their home.

Good luck with your new birds! If you have any other questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3, chickens can lay any time of day, right now in the summer mine lay between 8am and 2pm with most probably between 10 and noon, but some will lay really early and some will lay in the evening... if something upsets them or there is a line for the favorite nesting box etc, that will delay some hens...
Thank you all for the warm welcome and good advice. My "girls" are going in and out of the coop and pen right now. The weather is too hot to keep them in the coop. I notice when they aren't sure, they run back into the coop. They will be free ranged eventually. They are familiar with a nest box. The previous owner has an egg business. :)
from Washington! BYC is the best fowl website you can find.
I hope you feel glad you signed up! In our flock we have great people and it is always great to have a new member:) In our flock, we have no pecking order!


By the way, not saying that you will do anything bad, but no fowl play
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Yes, chickens generally lay in the morning but can lay any time of day. If they are new to their living quarters, they'll take some time to adjust. Make sure they are comfy, safe and have plenty of food, water and calcium.
It is going very well now. I've been getting 2-3 eggs a day. The chickens are very comfortable now and a lot of fun to have around. :D Thanks for asking!

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