New Pigeons: A Few Questions

Yeah, I wondered about that... if they might have went home to that fella. But he lives over an hour away. I dont think they would have done that. To my understanding, they would have to have been trained to do that. I just doubt it. Then again, i see the fella once a week or so at the auction. Guess I could ask him. The thing is, I was holding the male... i was outside and he accidentally took off. He was gone. I thought "oh well, i think he'll come back". Sure enough, about 15 minutes later, I see him walking around on top of the chicken house roof. I go down there later and both he and his mate are gone (the door was open at the time). So he left, came back and got his mate, then they took off for good. That was 2 weeks ago. I leave the door open to let the chickens out and the fantails dont leave. Go figure. They would have had a pampered life at my place. I suppose the homer and his gal felt they could find greener pastures elsewhere. Eh, good luck to 'em. I'm not bitter about it or anything.
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Feed them non medicated chicken feed, or pigeon food. Wild bird food doesn't have the nutrients they need.
HOMING PIGEONS ARE NOT TRAINED TOP FLY HOME!!!!!!!! They have the ability to sense the gravitational field on the earth! they WILL fly to him!also they are just White Racing Homers! Not Rock Doves! Theres no such thing as the rock dove! the name was changed to Rock Pigeon. They are Domestic White Racing Homers! Wild city pigeons are called Rock Doves.
Scott wrote: Well, one pair got out and flew off. I assumed they would come back, but they didnt.

I'll bet the original owner has sold those pigeons three or four times!
Scott wrote: Well, one pair got out and flew off. I assumed they would come back, but they didnt.

I'll bet the original owner has sold those pigeons three or four times!

That's where I think they went. Now that the fantails have been here a while, I can let them out and they come back.

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