New pullets that had been free range: how do I get them to eat from the feeder?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 14, 2013
So, I picked up 4 pullets from a farm that had been free ranging the birds. I am keeping them in the coop until I k ow that they will come in at night but am concerned that they don't seem to be eating from the feeder. Will they figure out that the food is in there or should I be doing something different?
What are you placing in the feeder as feed? After acclimating to a new location my birds will still reject some foods that either do not provide a balanced diet or taste bad from spoilage.
Thanks for the replies! I am feeding them a layers pellet with some oyster shell mixed in. I did toss it at their feet and they eat it I just don't know if they will go to the feeder but I am counting on the survival instinct to kick in. Cheers!

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